Salary depending on experience, of course with full-time filing
If you join us, you will receive an extra entry bonus of HUF 100,000 after the first week worked.
Enni sok helyen lehet Budapesten. Mi azonban ennél többet nyújtunk. Élményeket adunk. Itt megtalálod a pozíció részleteit és azt, hogy miért érdemes csatlakoznod hozzánk! Megtudhatod, hogy mit mesélne egy gyors pillanatkép egy munkanapodról.
Our ideal candidate has relevant experience, can prove his references, works cleanly, quickly and efficiently. He is professionally prepared, knows and complies with HACCP regulations. He can work in a team, he always strives for a good relationship with his colleagues. He is talented, but he has the professional humility in him. He loves his profession, is happy with what he has achieved so far and is constantly looking for opportunities for development. He is aware that a satisfied guest is the most important thing in the life of a restaurant
Starting salary:
32.000 - 35.000 Ft / day
540 000 - 580 000 Ft / mounth
Our prospective staff will be responsible for: Coordinating staff working on the field. Maintaining the needs of day-to-day operations, monitoring compliance with official regulations. Maintaining continued guest satisfaction. Handling of guest complaints.
Starting salary:
550 000 - 600 000 Ft / month + performance bonus
Our ideal candidate has relevant experience and can prove his references. He has good communication skills in English and Hungarian. He is professionally prepared, he can work in a team, he always strives for a good relationship with his colleagues. He is talented, but he has the professional humility in him. He loves his profession, is happy with what he has achieved so far and is constantly looking for opportunities for development. He is aware that a satisfied guest is the most important thing in the life of a restaurant.
Starting salary:
30.000 - 36.000Ft / day
540.000 - 580.000 Ft / mounth
A munka gördülékeny, impulzív és a számodra is örömteli és minőségileg kifogástalan elvégzéséhez hozzájárulnak azok az erősségek, amik ehhez a munkavégzéshez elengedhetetlenek.
Ezért feltétlenül fontos, hogy benned meglegyenek az alábbi erősségek:
tudod, hogy vendégek jól szeretnék érezni magukat, a tisztaság és rend pedig a biztonság érzését erősíti bennük. Körültekintően végzed a munkád.
kreativorientált a hozzáállásod – egy-egy feladat inkább kihívás a számodra, mint menthetetlen helyzet.
minden csak szervezés kérdése, örömöd leled a mindennapi pörgésben.
nem ijedsz meg a gyors szituációváltozásoktól, a hirtelen orvosolandó problémáktól. Egyszerre több rendelés, feladat, kiszolgálás pedig szimplán egy átlagos munkanap.
tudod, hogy az, miként bánnak a vendéggel, elsődleges a vendégélmény szempontjából. Éttermünk a turisták által is kedvelt frekventál helyen van, dizájnos beltér, egyedi, mégis barátságos stílus jellemzi.
nagyon jól kommunikálsz nemcsak magyarul, de idegen nyelven is – akár proaktív hozzáállással segíted a vendéget a döntésében.
In 2021 and 2022, our restaurant was awarded the Michelin Plate Guide. Our goal is to maintain recognition and maintain continued guest satisfaction.
Several of our executives in the group started with us as absolute beginners, and now they work in a leadership position. You also have the opportunity to do so, be at any point in your career if you want us to count on you - even as the manager of our next restaurant!
Our restaurant, ie your future job, is located in the heart of the city center, so whether you come from further afield or live in the area, you will have no problems with accessibility!
In 2021, our restaurant was awarded the Michelin Plate Guide. Our goal is to maintain recognition and maintain continued guest satisfaction.
Several of our executives in the group started with us as absolute beginners, and now they work in a leadership position. You also have the opportunity to do so, be at any point in your career if you want us to count on you - even as the manager of our next restaurant!
Surely you know the colleague's burnout syndrome, which makes its mark all over the place - we don't have one! Our team is youthful, fast-paced, cheerful, and always ready to take the extra step that makes everyone say, Oops!
Our restaurant, ie your future job, is located in the heart of the city center, so whether you come from further afield or live in the area, you will have no problems with accessibility!
Alapelvünk, hogy sikeres vendéglátóhelyet csak úgy lehet építeni, ha munkatársaink is jól érzik magukat és szeretik, amit csinálnak. Olyan csapattagot keresünk, akivel hosszú távra tervezhetünk, és ő is velünk. Elég motivált, egy jó hangulatú munkahelyre vágyik, ahol egy klassz csapat teljes értékű tagja lesz.
Nem ma kezdtük a szakmát. Több éve, stabil, fizetőképes háttérrel rendelkezünk. Ezért a kiemelt fizetés, a bejelentett munkaviszony nálunk alap.
Olyan embert keresünk, aki ugyanazt az elvet vallja, mint mi: a boldog vendég az, aki megkapta, amit várt és elégedetten, mosolyogva távozik!
Szakács: 450-600.000 Ft/hó (heti 4 munkanap)
Felszolgáló / Pultos: 450-550.000 Ft/hó (heti 4 munkanap)
Konyhai kisegítő: 340.000 Ft/hó
We are a 100% Hungarian-owned group of companies, for more than 8 years, with many different restaurants that have won awards in their own fields and are in excellent places on lists, in the top locations of Budapest. Our restaurant was also awarded the Michelin plate in the fall of 2021 and 2022, and we are stable in the Top 10 of Budapest's Tripadvisor.
It is not only good to come to Bistro as a guest. Our team is youthful, has a great atmosphere, and you can feel every moment that it’s not just a slogan when writing about one of the most cozy jobs in town!
We are a 100% Hungarian-owned group of companies, slowly for 7 years, with several different, award-winning and listed restaurants in the top locations of Budapest. We have weathered the crisis starting in 2020 in a stable manner, without closure and related redundancies, and we are constantly evolving, and more new restaurants are planned in the hitherto uncovered parts of the city. Éttermünk 2021 őszén megkapta a Michelin tányér elismerést, valamint stabilan a Tripadvisor Top 10-ben vagyunk.